3A - Art & Acoustique Appliquée  Art & Acoustique Appliquée
La chambre anéchoïque de 3A est à l'époque une des plus vastes au monde (10 m x 11 m x 12 m). Elle se développe sur deux étages et permet la mesure automatique de toutes les enceintes produites par la société. Ce contrôle de qualité se traduit par une courbe test individualisée jointe à chaque enceinte avec la garantie. Production 1977, Antibes : Adagio Infini, Alphase, Andante Master Control, Andante Linéaire, Apogée, Référence, Apogée Monitor.
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Reference 3A  Reference 3A
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« C'était tout mon programme... l'acoustique appliquée à l'art.
Et ma devise : GO AND GET !!! »

Daniel Dehay
April 26th 1938 - May 2nd 2018

Art & Acoustique Appliquée - Audio Design - Innovative Acoustic - Reference 3A

3A - Art & Acoustique Appliquée
1972 - 1985
3A - Audio Design
1985 - 1990
3A - Innovative Acoustic
1990 - 1998
Reference 3A
1998 - 2025

Welcome to this page dedicated to 3A speakers.
The goal is to list and detail the models of the brand.

What for ?
Because nothing like that exists, so it's a necessity...
To gather technical information to simplify future research.

Why online ?
Because 3A is overall unrecognized on all of its production.
With nevertheless some notable advances and many remarkable loudspeakers scattered around the world, then this is for posterity...

But also because the task is tough...
The lack of official sources, the complexity of the brand's history does not simplify things, this « catalog » is perfectible and can not be done without the participation of each. So i still invite you to contribute if you want, to enrich the database. In addition, any comments, criticism or suggestion is welcome !

I take this opportunity to thank again those who have already « placed their stone », and all those who have welcomed the initiative. Your many supports and encouragements confirmed to me that this work - as colossal as selfless - had a meaning anyway.
Thank you, and that benefits everyone.

What framework ?
Originally limited to the French production, the « Catalog » now extends to Swiss and Canadian periods. It is indeed « hang wagons » to provide a more comprehensive picture of 3A history. Thus the speakers are now distributed by name, and still by series/model/version.

However, in order to simplify, some episodes are not mentioned in the table above, as the French period of Reference 3A made in Loudun, and its Master series that you will find with Canadian speakers.

Finally I thank Mr. Tash Goka — current leader of Reference 3A in Canada — to have given the go-ahead regarding his production. I also thank Mr. Daniel Dehay — engineer founder of the brand and designer of its speakers — for his contribution, recalling that this website will always intended also to pay tribute to him.

Mathieu Somoskoy-Correa-Berton
Note Adagio Infini Alphase Andante Master Control Type 64 Andante Linéaire Apogée Référence Apogée Monitor